Thanks for choosing The COMPS DATA BASE MANAGER COMPS MANAGER is a computer software system developed to assist the "typical" real estate appraisal office to store and retrieve information about properties that have sold. In addition, COMPS MANAGER can automatically match your client needs with available properties and provide a selection of reports that you will find helpful. The program is designed to provide merge capabilities to Microsoft Word or Word Perfect for Windows. COMPS MANAGER is designed to work in Windows and requires that your computer be running in standard or enhanced mode. The program name is COMPS.EXE and should be installed in Windows or run from the Program Manager. This shareware version of the program may be freely copied and distributed. Registration is $100.00 and entitles you to the most recent copy of the program, a typeset manual and telephone support. Send your registration to Eastern Digital Resources -PO Box 1451 - Clearwater, SC 29822-1451. If you have problems with the program or recommendations for improvement, call our support hotline at (803) 593-0870. The diskette contains a copy of the manual. To view the manual, type: VIEW MANUAL.TXT ..